On Joy being our Nature, and then arguing about it!
Our nature IS joy.
It is in clinging that Pain dwells and rises.
When the night falls, A tree may enjoy the cooler breeze and the silence of its neighbors, it may hover and curl in the warmth of the earth, it may shine looking up to the other stars above, made closer by the contrast of a sun hidden by Earth's Horizon.
When day falls, a tree does not cling to what is it's losing, longing all night for the sun it craves.
At sunrise, it is graced by the anticipation of heat and light's caress onto and through its core. Eager for another beat in its heavy chest.
Observe, Train, Redefine.
Clinging is our nature, It can be tamed.
Joy is our nature, it can be embraced. Ahau.
. ..that the acknowledgment of your weakness is the first
step in repairing your loss.
Thomas Kempis said that, and he was right. Sometimes
this is the hardest thing for people to do. Yet self-truth
and truth with others about where you have fallen short
almost ensures that you will go a long way. Everyone can
see you anyway, why not admit what everyone is seeing?
You cannot let go of anything if you cannot notice that you
are holding it. Admit your 'weaknesses' and watch them
morph into your greatest strengths.
Love, Your Friend....
Weakness is an illusion, an impression that was pushed upon my realm.
Keys are, what is my truth and what is Beyond that first veil of weakness?
Then of course one can relax, quit pretending strength where it ought not be overpressed, gentleness is our nature.
Self-confidence in humbleness can overcome all smallness.
N'aie pas peur d'avancer, ne plus reculer.
A reviewing of Attachments
I am - was attached to the fear of money
I am was attached to this feeling of belonging
I am-was attached to the feeling of not having my father's Love
In all, find the temperance, imbue yourself with a balancing energy for each thought released.
Review your attachment to the Truth
Review your attachment to thinking, and "figuring it out"
In all your relations, review and evaluate, appreciate, in honesty, your attachments.
Thank your Self for your meditation
MANTRISM, Heal the Body's Negativism
I am the unborn Inhalation, I am the potential of All Creation.
MANTRISM, Heal the Mind's Schism
Unless I am not.