A new forum

A new way, a new spark in the ancestral and yet everborn Way.
Perspectives and prisms to travel through the Way of the Tao and develop yoga within.



Key Words _ BEING free to choose anew.

"What is the root experience?"

There is a process of clearing that I can only describe as NOW going back and resetting my reaction to events, (that from my perspective then).

Today, I asked myself the root thought behind my fear of : [...]
(The fear/concern of having my laptop stolen as I leave it in my building lobby, completing some downloads)
I received no clear or tangible answer, as I might have in the past with such a question.

Because experience is not a thought analyzed, linearized and described, boxed in and debatable; its semantically unstructured.
If thoughts (as in something I can algorithmically define in mind) are not at the root of our experience, it's because before analytical mind defines our world, as we know it, and interact with it, we deal first with raw, experiential thought. *
which is just as rational and powerful, but it tends to be limited by creating perceptions OUT of context very easily.
Since our mental/emotional contexts for various experiences differ greatly, we can't explain why some people are afraid of [whatever] when we are not, or why we react differently to certain stimuli.
Yet when we look at any personality trait, therein lay crystallized, our most fundamental perspectives of Life.
This is long winded so I will wrap-up with this.
From our BASIC perspective (that which is rooted most deeply, anciently, unquestioned-ly) stems all of your/our thoughts.

* And this goes to the basic notion of empathy, which I have been exploring for quite some time. If an empath is one with the ability to feel others in his surroundings, then he does so
1: by conforming to the others field, or vibe, imitating it.
2: by being perceptive of them, yet/while remaining grounded

Since point #2 stems from being mindful and having a stable personality (ie matured)
Most people operate from number 1, and ESPECIALLY as children (before our personality is crystallized).
Then two variables come into play. proximity and intensity.
Proximity is so very obvious. Spend 5 minutes, receptive next to people relaxed and laughing, see how you feel; spend another ten really soaking in people being stressed out and abusive. See how you feel.
Get the picture? Even when we are not involved, we are always empathetically linked to others; (and that is precisely why being in the forest, or meditating with trees, is such a profoundly soothing experience, isn't it?)
of course, examples will come to mind where one can resist any such influence, and that's when will, belief and personality come in. We accept to mirror or not different beliefs, and that is all well and good-
-What I am addressing here are the basic habits that are based without the awareness of such processes.
Today, I saw a rather marvelous event: one of my students is extraordinarily receptive and playful (Stella). Always eager to answer and say hello, she's been recently sitting next to another great student (charismatic Phillip) but sometimes negative student, and today this students personality had just TRANSFERRED. For good and for bad. It was for bad today unfortunately. she wouldn't look me in the eye, and overall maintained a pouty vibe.
Details aside, this just goes to show how malleable and sensitive we are to others vibes and this builds up when we are in proximity (as clearly seen when you put two unstable students next to another - 8) ).

All this being said, the focal point is now intensity (and prolonged exposure)
The reason we crystallize so DEEPLY our parents beliefs/Karma/personality is because of our exposure! Their experience shapes their vibe, their vibe shapes us, our vibe shapes our experience, and the loop goes on and on (this is to me a simpler understanding of Karma).

Why am I talking about all of this?
1 = because I like exploring these themes.
2= BECAUSE the reason that I felt so concerned, by myself, within my head about Fear #?? my laptop being stolen, aside from knowing the sheer possibility of it occurring in my experience...

...That reason, is grounded in entirely (quote-unquote) irrational reasoning.
And why is that, why is it that there is no single thought that allows this thought to haunt me - and hinge upon?
(as in: cause i'm rich and deserve to be robbed, cause taiwanese are treacherous thieves (which they are amazingly not, by the way), cause i'm stupid and shouldnt leave it there, and there! cause it wasn't hidden well enough, cause its BOUND to happen)
Because the thought it is based in, is fundamentally (founda-MENTALLY) an experience before it is a consequential thought*. In other words :
the mind first experiences, impregnates itself, then a process of justification begins (that which one calls the Ego).

Phew, let me catch your breath, catch yours too (and thanks for following this far!)

The silly, worried and worrying thought of being robbed (making a wrong move/choice, etc)
when I asked "what is the root thought" then "what is the root experience" put me in touch with an unresolved reaction to others.
Almost context-lessly, I could feel this basic stress, or worry that I'd experienced before.
an INFLUENCE that I could feel to this day.
And from this basic influence, stress within, stemmed these questions (concerns).
Thus by affecting the initial stressor (or my holding on to it) I can affect and release my surrounding thoughts, stemming from it.

Ah, I've said it.

That's the main point!
And I wish to share this because it is SO fundamental and so fundamentally ignored, now and here we often tend to address circumstance and context, working and cogitating with mind to create a "perfect" environment (replace perfect by safe, predictable, comfortable, soothing, fun, as you wish) avoiding all unpleasantness,
and yet tend to completely ignore the root cause of this creation.

Quickly thereafter, I put my new cosmic tool into place with another pondering:
* Questioning in mind, looking at myself in that elevator mirror, the pains that had been plaguing me for a length of time resurfaced instantly through that set of Key Words. But the reflection is clear and obvious. The most important events and beliefs in our life, the deepest afflictions, however denied or hidden, are always apparent to the willing I/Eye.

And this is then my conclusion.
The experience that shapes any pain, sorrow or unresolved-ness lays within fundamental beliefs which are ALWAYS present (AND accessible) and all one must do is dwell within them ( I know, it sounds scary) but the Truth is,
the less we beat around the bush, trying to whack our resurfacing negative thoughts or concerns, the more we feel their root and origin, from our inner perspective.
The more then, powerful we are to CHOOSE AGAIN.

Because all beliefs, perspectives and BEINGS are choices, and all are okay, and all are blessed, and all are beautiful and indeed accepted in the eyes of Kosmos,
not ALL choices we have been exposed to, through our family and surroundings. need to be upheld and given momentum.

My many apologies that this essay really is quite convoluted and I thank you once more for reading it till now; hidden in the haystack of relevant words, is the needle that pierces self-defeating illusion: (according to me, at least!)

Reasoning has naught to do with being well, if it it is not a reasoning that deals with the core of an issue (ie on which level it is felt)
If you feel love -]or the loss of it[- in your guts, then talking to another level of you becomes largely masturbatory.

we are multi-dimensional beings, multi-level/depth personalities, its time we begin to unravel those depths, to go at the core of issues and CHOOSE again what has been consensus reality for perhaps too long (or longer than necessary any more).
Clear in my mind is that we deal with an old mindset, as old as our genes and our parenting is.

Locally in life we deal with our up-bringers (I ironically typo-ed up-wrongers)
our parents with mind and statements of being different.
Often thinking/ascertaining our difference in actions and deeds while at the core, empathetically, we see and react to the world and various stimuli in the same fundamental way.


I hope this serves, and that this reading finds you well.
Please feel free to comment or raise further points.

Upon my return to Ottawa, I would very much like to create a discussion forum on consciousness, metaphysics and healing/well-being.



*This was put forward to me in a conundrum, which originates first, thought or condition?
In the sense, do thoughts guide conditions or conditions guide thoughts?
Stomach hurting, I felt bad, that was the condition. In other words, when I eat shitty food, do I think shitty thoughts; I noticed my thoughts were influenced by my condition, and the beauty lays in paradox.
When one is irritated I am likely to reflect irritation, and yet, if I observe complete incoherent anger (or other) within, do I not have the power to look at it, and let it be, calmed down, free-flowing and releasing? I think so. And that, my friends, is freaking awesome. :-)

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